ART gallery
of an Impressionist Artist


PleinAir Salon Art Competition, USA
In 2017-2021 participated in the annual online competitions PleinAir Salon Art Competition, which has been held for more than 13 years by PleinAir magazine (USA).
7th Annual PleinAir Salon Art Competition Monthly Awards. Paintings from the 7th Annual PleinAir Salon Monthly Art Competition, which took place from April/May 2017-Feb/Mar 2018. >>>
8th Annual PleinAir Salon Art Competition Monthly Awards. Paintings from the 8th Annual PleinAir Salon Monthly Art Competitions, which took place from April/May 2018-Feb/Mar 2019. >>>
My paintings became winners and were awarded gold medals (BEST FLORAL, bi-monthly nomination), and competed in the finals.
All rights reserved © 2001–2024 S. Alekseev
Commercial use of the images of the paintings from the website is possible only with the permission of the author.
Website design and development: Yu. Yakovlenko @yakovlenko_design